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Current COVID hygiene rules

Dear customers,

Due to the current 3G regulation, we can only welcome them if they are either fully vaccinated, have recovered or have a negative PCR test . The test must not be older than 48 hours.


Please note the following hygiene rules:

  • There is a disinfectant dispenser at the entrance. Please disinfect your hands upon arrival.

  • Please log in using the Luca app or fill out the information sheet on site.

  • If you suffer from symptoms typical of COVID19 (especially fever, coughing and shortness of breath, taste and smell disorder, admission is unfortunately not possible.


Our precautions for your safety

  • The  simultaneous  presence  of customers  is avoided by assigning appointments.

  • The business premises are ventilated regularly and sufficiently after each treatment.

  • In addition, an air filter is permanently in operation. For this we use the test winner of the Stiftung Warentest, the Philips Air Purifier 2000 Series for room sizes up to 79 square meters.

  • All contact surfaces such as chairs, upholstery, massage tables and shelves are cleaned after each use and the work surfaces are disinfected.

  • In the sanitary area, hand disinfectants, liquid soap and disposable towels are available. 

Vorkehrungen für ihre Sicherheit
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